Pokemon Unified Minds League Cup at Gettysburg LincCon

Pokemon Unified Minds League Cup at Gettysburg LincCon


Gettysburg LincCon is held on the beautiful campus of Gettysburg College. General Con activities will be held in the College Union Building. TCG events will be held at Plank Gym. This is a charity tournament to benefit local children hospitals with ExtraLife. Additional donations will be accepted as well as additional side-events to be added.

-Registration Starts at 10:00AM and ends at 11:00AM. Please be on time.

Late registration is subject to a Round 1 loss.

-Please be on time, your completed deck list is your registration form. Be in line with your deck list filled out by 11:00AM or you will be marked late and/or receive a Round 1 loss.

-Your completed deck list must include your name, date of birth, and Pokémon player ID number.

-Deck checks are required for all junior players, and for any player for whom this is a first constructed format tournament. Please make sure you arrive early enough for your deck check to be completed by 10:00AM if you fall into one of these groups or you will be marked late and/or receive a round 1 loss.

-The tournament will start promptly after registration ends.

-This is a Standard format tournament.

-Deck lists can be found on the Pokemon.com resource page using this link: http://pokegym.net/decklist/pokemon.htm

-Tournament will be Swiss Rounds, best of 1, followed by Top Cut, best of 3. Number of rounds will be based on attendance.

-Prizes will be awarded to top finishers in each age division based on attendance. Other prizes will also be given and based on total attendance.

-Please come prepared with everything you will need to play. Please come on time. Please email me with any questions. Hope to see you there.

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